Dr. Menachem Granat was born in Haifa, Israel, and graduated from the Hebrew University School of Medicine in Jerusalem. He is a senior member of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at the Hadassah - Hebrew University Medical Center located in Ein Karem, Jerusalem.

Granat is an autodidactic photographer. His works first appeared in 2004 at the Jerusalem Theatre ("Light and Pomegranates"), followed by exhibitions in 2005 at Mishkenot Shaananim Artists' Colony in Jerusalem ("A Taste of the Mediterranean") and at the Beit Hatanach Museum in Tel Aviv ("Judaica"). Additionally, one of his photographs was selected to adorn the bride's room at a 'mikve tahara' (ritual bath) in Jerusalem, dedicated to the memory of the late Nava Appelbaum.

More recently, Granat has focused his work on an artistic study of the pomegranate tree and its fruit, striving to reveal and convey the reason the pomegranate is a metaphor for so many aesthetic and spiritual values. He has produced a voluminous series of pomegranate photographs, four of which appeared in a group exhibit entitled "Apple," on the theme of Temptation, held at a New York City gallery in July 2006.

The following text summarizes Granat's special affinity to the pomegranate: "Momentarily, a light radiates on a site specific situation - the pomegranate, either on the tree or on the home table. A unique fusion then merges the two elements. "The camera enables me to revive and materialize the physicality of this experience. It is not a mere visual documentation of this glorious, alluring fruit, but also a way of illuminating its internal beauty. An attempt is made to convey the reason for the pomegranate being a symbol of so many aesthetic and spiritual values such as beauty, love, fertility, wisdom, and enticement. Years of keen observation of the pomegranate, glowing in the light of Jerusalem, have turned to be an intriguing voyage of birth, death and rebirth, echoing the eternal, ongoing, life cycle".